Sunday, March 31, 2013

Loved and 42 days

There are 42 days until I leave. Six weeks. To me it seems like a long time... But considering I bought my ticket somewhere before the 60 day mark and I hadn't looked at a count down until the 54 day mark... 42 days isn't that long.

Today I think I realized how much I'm going to miss my kids.  At my current position I get countless hugs everyday, along with the occasional comment on how they like my outfit or that I look pretty. I've become accustomed to that. Not that I take my self worth from children who eat their own boogies - but I know they wouldn't be saying the comment/giving me hugs unless they really wanted to.

I guess thinking it over, I'm worried about making friends with the children.  I've worked hard for the love I get here, and I risk losing all that when I leave. There is a chance the kids won't remember me at all... 6 months is a lot longer than 6 weeks.

Not that it changes my mind - not at all. But it does make me want to get extra hugs and fish for some extra complements before I leave.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Loved and Making this my "Official" Blog

Dear Friends,

I decided that upkeeping another blog for my trip to Uganda would be too much... Also, I'm probably not going to think of a much better title/meaning than I have for this one. So this will be my blog for Uganda... which means in the next few weeks, I will review all of my old posts, probably change a little bit of formatting, and give you guys more information about me/what I think I'm doing/why I want to.

This is your heads up.

Loved and Airplanes

I love airplanes. I think airports are magical. I also tend to come up with my best/worst ideas in airports.

I am in the process of visiting all of my out of town friends before my trip. (I booked my ticket so now its very very real).  I booked my ticket to arrive in Uganda on my birthday.  If you've ever met me, you know that I love birthdays (especially mine).  I cannot think of a better present to myself.

Back to the process of visiting all of my out of town friends. I'm going to visit my college roommate/bff/soulmate. I am so super excited. When I called her to tell her about Uganda, we discussed how exciting it would be, and she understood how upset I am about cheese not really being available there.  She not only understood, but sympathized. I know you are all thinking - cheese is not that big of a deal. To me its kind of a bigger deal that hot water. I'm afraid I will lose that community when I go.

I love traveling, but I will always tell someone I prefer to be with my community/home.   I love airplanes because when I was little, I would always meet someone new and interesting on a flight, and by the end of it we would be best friends.  Now - I really struggle with that.