Sunday, December 23, 2012

Loved and

Over the past few days I have come to a slight realization about my future. I know what I really want to do. I want to love people. Okay - so I know that sounds really basic, but yesterday I was in tears at the airport over someone speaking hateful words about people that I love. 

I want everyone to know that they are loved. By a God that is so much bigger than us and has more love for us then anyone could imagine.  I also want the people who say that they love God to know, that if they say they love him and then don't love their "neighbor" - then they don't get it. 

I know I don't know a whole lot about love. I'm 22 and haven't done a whole lot of dating and whatnot. What I do know about though is being loved. I know that when other people love you what they do. They sing you to sleep every night, buy you presents, try to make you smile. I grew up very lucky, with a family who taught me the importance of loving one another, and who really and truly loved me. 

My heart aches to love more people. If you really know me. You know there is nothing that is more my favorite than meeting new people... and not only meeting them... but getting to be best friends... and in my world best friends are people who you get to really 'love' on. 

I will also be the first to admit. I'm not always good at the loving others part. I know I fall short - but that's why I rely on God - because his love covers it all. 

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