Sunday, May 26, 2013

Loved and Adjustment

Hi friends. I am struggling. It is in my nature to be trusting. This culture is different. I understand some of the reasoning- but it is hard to maintain "me" and adjust.

I struggle with the fact that people stare at me ALL the time. Simply because I am white.

I struggle with the fact that I can't understand anything anyone says. (unless it is come here, or hey white person).

I struggle with the fact that I have to be constantly on my guard about not being taken advantage of financially. (because believe it or not, there is a white person price that is slightly higher for everything here... if you are not careful).

I struggle with the fact that people on the compound who are Ugandian and do speak English, have heavy accents and I always have to have them repeat what they are saying. (they also like mumbling).

I struggle with the fact that power and water are luxuries.

I struggle with the fact that paved roads are not a thing, and that dirt roads deteriorate.

I struggle with knowing how much I should trust everyone here.

but I am incredibly thankful and happy to be here.

I am learning so much, that often I am so exhausted by the end of the day that I fall right asleep and don't wake up several times in the night.

I am incredibly happy that I not only have the opportunity, but the privilege to have your support with me.

(I don't want this to sound like I am unhappy - because I'm exactly the opposite. I mean this to be a simple statement that adjusting is hard but I know I am going to be okay - but right now its just hard).

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