Saturday, March 24, 2012

Loved and a disclaimer

Hi friends. I know this is a blog, and I know that I was the one who posted the link in various places... but it actually make me nauseous sometimes. Mostly because I'm curious who actually read this - I think if I knew I might be more okay. Someone told me if I feel like that I should write in a diary instead. I told them to mind their own business (obviously I wasn't full of love for them at that moment).

This is important to me. I know what I am saying might not seem important, but to me it is. Possibly because I'm a little bit crazy, (but aren't we all?). I want to be able to comfortably share my failures and triumphs, and in my mind, I feel nauseous 90% of the time anyways, so its really no different.

I think that remembering that we are loved first and foremost is so very important. Possibly the most important thing that has ever happened. I just wanted you all to be aware.

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