Saturday, March 24, 2012

Loved and flawed

Hi friends. In case you haven't noticed over this past week, but I'm terribly flawed.

And by flawed, I mean kind of a mess. You think I am put together? Well, those of you know me, won't even pretend that's true - those of you who don't here is insight into my flaws:

1. I think I am hilarious. Not just funny, but I honestly make myself giggle so much sometimes that it hurts. If you don't think I'm funny, then there is a chance that I often wonder why we are friends.
2. I don't know how to have 'friends' who aren't my best friends. That's why I have a zillion best friends - and by a zillion, I mean I made a list the other day, and I have like 12. I just love getting to know people and I have always been taught that quality comes over quantity.
3. I am not a pet person. I like animals, and the idea of having a pet - but I'm probably the only person who will pet a dog and talk about how cute it is, and follow it with "You're cute, but not cute enough for me to want to take care of you" I don't want responsibility for something that could run away/bite me/lick me/poop on the floor... at least babies grow out of that.
4. I get attached super easy. Like once I decide that we are going to be friends, (read above, meaning best friends) then I'm not giving up without a fight.
5. And this is my biggest flaw, I continually fall short with God's desires and plans for my life. I mean, I know things God wants me to do, and I'm eager to do them - but I don't always do them, and when I do its not always with a willing heart.

Its taken me a long time to accept the fact that I cannot be perfect - but what I can do is love others as much as I possibly can. And I like that, because that means I can have more best friends.

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