Sunday, March 25, 2012

Loved and similarities

Let's talk about this Hunger Games craze that is going on... Yesterday my friend and I were talking about it, I told her I was meaning to read it - and that I just haven't gotten the chance. We decided I would read it this week and then we'd see the movie this weekend.

And that was the end of that(for right then). Then we were talking about our lives and I mentioned another friend of mine. A friend who is seriously one of my best friends in the world. She looked at me and said with all seriousness, "You need to read The Hunger Games." Immediately I was curious. Why I thought? So after we watched a little bit of the movie 300, and she headed home. I started the book. And finished it.

I get it. I see the similarities between me and the main character, and her relationship with one of the other characters. I totally get it. It also totally stressed me out. I almost don't want to know what happens, like it would provide some type of impact on my future or on my decisions, and I really don't think I could handle that stress on our friendship.

The thing is, after mulling all this over in my sleep. Why am I so worried? I trust in God's plan. I mean, I am one of those people who thinks if its truly meant to be - then it will all happen in due time. I just had kind of closed that door for all the possibilities a long time ago. To tell you the truth, I'm still perfectly content with that. A book, shouldn't have this much impact... and then I travel in my mind to everything I have ever learned about communication theory. For a book to be successful, it had to have a character that individuals can relate to.


So I actually just got back from lunch with another friend, who has seen the Hunger Games movie, and then read the rest of the book synopsis online. I'd love to say she didn't ruin it for me... but she totally did

She gave something away, and it put me at peace.

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